Tuesday, April 1, 2025
HomeSeriesTokyo Vice Season 1 Review

Tokyo Vice Season 1 Review

Tokyo Vice follows the stories of 4 main characters namely Jake (American crime reporter for a Japanese newspaper), Katagiri (incorruptible police detective), Samantha (club worker), and Soto (low-level Yakuza gangster), and how all 4 of their lives interconnect with each other.

Amazing visuals, talented performances, and interesting storylines keep this thriller series from becoming too formulaic. However, the show is let down by repetition and also slow pacing. I reckon that instead of 55 to 60 minutes running time, 40 minutes for each episode would have sufficed.

Overall, it’s a great show which is more character-driven than drama-based. Acting-wise, Watanabe steals the show. You will see different perspectives on living in late 90s Tokyo through 4 main characters so it’s something new from Hollywood.

Also, have to commend the series releases by HBO Max. Titans, The Flight Attendant, and now Tokyo Vice – all stellar shows in their own right.

P.S. The pilot is directed by Michael Mann.

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Nisar Sufi
Nisar Sufihttps://youtube.com/c/knowthyfuture
Content Writer, Indie Horror Author, Book Reviewer, Film Critic and Fortune Teller @knowthyfuture
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Tokyo Vice follows the stories of 4 main characters namely Jake (American crime reporter for a Japanese newspaper), Katagiri (incorruptible police detective), Samantha (club worker), and Soto (low-level Yakuza gangster), and how all 4 of their lives interconnect with each other. Amazing visuals, talented performances,...Tokyo Vice Season 1 Review