Wednesday, March 12, 2025
HomeKnow Thy FutureHania Amir - Pakistani Actress - Astrology/Palmistry/Numerology

Hania Amir – Pakistani Actress – Astrology/Palmistry/Numerology

Astro-Palm-Numero Analysis of Pakistani Actress, Hania Amir, in English and Urdu

Hania Amir is one of the most popular actresses in the Pakistani film/TV industry. Coming from a non-filmy background she still was able to become successful in her early 20s. Let us look at her stats below to determine how:


Born on February 12, 1997 – she is an Aquarius. And it shows as she was able to enter a sphere encompassed by nepotism but still be successful. Oprah Winfrey comes to mind as another Aquarius celebrity who beat the odds to become a billionaire.


Looking at the picture above you can easily notice the over-developed mount of Venus (purple) – this gives her beauty and youthful looks. She will remain beautiful throughout her lifetime. The developed Moon mount (white) represents her artistic talent. The Heart Line (blue) is ideal for a career-orientated woman as it starts from Saturn and is straight so she does not allow her emotions to interfere with her ambitions. Long thumb (red) on a South Asian woman is rare but explains her independent decision-making. Additionally, it is waist-shaped meaning she has the gift of the gab.


She is a Birth Number 3 and so she is a jack of all trades. 3 is ruled by Jupiter (also the ruler of Sagittarius) so she is luckier than most and this might also explain her massive achievements despite not hailing from fame or money.

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Nisar Sufi
Nisar Sufi
Content Writer, Indie Horror Author, Book Reviewer, Film Critic and Fortune Teller @knowthyfuture
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