Q1. Mar, it’s wonderful to have you with us for this Q&A. Please tell us about your humble beginnings as a promoter of horror.
Well, it really was humble LOL!
When I found myself alone with my still not two years old daughter, I couldn’t go out on a regular job because I needed to be with her, so I jumped the cliff on social media. I started a little blog and made several courses and tutorials about Photoshop, online marketing, etc.
I joined many websites to review books, where I made many contacts with authors. I made my personal Facebook with the objective of contacting authors and little presses. I worked for a couple of them as an online marketer and from there, the bubble grew and grew.
I worked a lot for free with the spirit of collaborating and learning and I made wonderful friendships. From there to here, I don’t even know how I did it! Lots of projects, collaborations, features… The reach grew and so did my clients. The “mouth to mouth” run quick and… here I am.

Q2. What advice would you give to aspirants in your field?
Don’t compete, collaborate. There is plenty of audience for everyone. Help one another. No one is perfect and no one is a superhero. We need each other in good and bad times. Put a collar on your ego, it’s good for nothing, it will stop you from making amazing friends in the field.
Q3. List your favorite horror movies of all time.
The Evil Dead
The Conjuring series
The Autopsy of Jane Doe
Q4. Who are your favorite authors?
Oh, what a difficult question… I adored TY Tracey’s “Three Days in Ashford”; also “Beware the Demons Betrayed” by Alan L. Perkins; “Born of Blood” by Emir Skalonja. Dona Fox!!!
But also, I met terrific authors: Eric Kapitan, Gregg Zimmerman, PD Alleva, Theresa Jacobs…
Q5. Tell us about your upcoming projects.
I always have several things in hand LOL. My illustration work is always running (for poetry collections or collaborations with anthologies or single authors). Also, I continuously set free promotion opportunities for authors to jump in, and… really anything that comes to my mind I usually give it a go. I love trying new things on social media, make people participate and being genuine and honest so people see that I am an actual person.
I’m also working with films, music and videogames. It’s all really fun!
Mar Garcia (TBM Horror Experts):
Know Thy Future:
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