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Potential in the Palm of Your Hand (2019) by Richard Webster – Book Review

Richard Webster’s Potential in the Palm of Your Hand is one of the finest Palmistry books I’ve ever read. Its best aspect is the smoothness by which it flows as its very easy to read for both beginner and expert alike.

Webster also references great authors (who I also recommend) like D’Aprentigny and William Benham. The former came up with one of the first systems of classifying hand types. The latter wrote the foremost treatise on the mounts of the hand namely The Laws of Scientific Hand Reading.

I loved the section where Webster outlined which combinations are best for which career type like engineer, businessperson, writer, etc. This made it easier to identify with what the book is aiming for namely letting the reader find out what is their talent in life.

All in all, you will definitely find the potential in the palm of your hand by reading this fantastic text. I look forward to reading more books written by Richard Webster as well as those published by Llewellyn Publications.

Learn Astrology, Palmistry and Numerology

From Ancient India, the three main spheres of fortune telling are still being read today. Everyone asks where do I start? Astro-Palm-Numero explains all the basic details with finesse, and gives a proper introductory start for both experts and beginners alike in the domains of Astrology, Palmistry and Numerology. – Description on Amazon

Available in both digital and print formats.

About the Author

Nisar Sufi Conducting a Palmistry Session in Dubai (December 2016)
Nisar Sufi conducting a Palmistry Session in SZABIST Dubai on December 2016.

Nisar Sufi is an underrepresented author from South Asia who is currently fully employed as a content writer in his home country. He has 11 years of experience as a fortune-teller and is currently ranked 3rd in Pakistan in the Palmistry Rankings on Fiverr. Simply search “Know Thy Future” in any search engine and you will come across his many fortune-telling related endeavors including his Fiverr Profile. Astro-Palm-Numero is his first book on his favorite subject.

Nisar Sufi
Nisar Sufihttps://youtube.com/c/knowthyfuture
Content Writer, Indie Horror Author, Book Reviewer, Film Critic and Fortune Teller @knowthyfuture
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Richard Webster’s Potential in the Palm of Your Hand is one of the finest Palmistry books I’ve ever read. Its best aspect is the smoothness by which it flows as its very easy to read for both beginner and expert alike. Webster also references great...Potential in the Palm of Your Hand (2019) by Richard Webster - Book Review