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Tariq Jamil – True Believer or Deceiver? – Palmistry of Tariq Jamil Reveals the Truth

Who is the man behind the beard?

Tariq Jamil is perhaps the most famous international maulvi of Pakistan. However, he has had his fair share of controversies like blaming Pakistani women’s indecent clothing for causing Covid. Shireen Mazari’s criticism of Jamil’s absurd statement led to the maulvi apologising to the country in a press conference for his rude remarks.

Palm Reading of Shireen Mazari.

Tariq Jamil was also criticized (for no valid reason) for launching his clothing brand MTJ recently even though majority of the profits will be donated to madrasas. Now we all are aware that he is an eloquent speaker, a well-taught Islamic scholar and now also a successful businessman. But who is Tariq Jamil behind the beard? Read on further to find out the untold story of Tariq Jamil through Divination.

Palmistry of Tariq Jamil

What does Tariq Jamil’s Palm Reveal?

Square on the Mount of Jupiter

Square on Mount of Jupiter explained in Urdu.

Square (black) on the Mount of Jupiter shows delays in reaching one’s true calling in life; he initially planned to become a doctor to heal people but chose religious healing instead. This same square indicates capability of teaching, couple this with the extremely long finger of Mercury (commerce and communication), and a person with this dual indication will be a swayer of millions as they are a grandmaster of words.

Double Head Line in Palmistry

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A Double Head Line in Palmistry AKA a Double Brain Line in Palmistry can be a blessing, a curse or both. Luckily, for Tariq Jamil it is the former as the first Head Line not only hovers above the second Head Line till the age of 29, but also starts from the Mount of Jupiter where he has the Teacher’s Square in Palmistry. This means that he was destined to become a successful teacher. Also, note that the second Head Line and second Life Line separate at 29 at the same time the first Head Line disappears, meaning his initial ambitious nature lessened as he became more invested in the esoteric side of life.

Double Life Line Meaning in Palmistry

When Tariq Jamil’s first Life Line (red) ends it shows his interest in pursuing medical studies coming to a conclusion. Second Life Line (yellow) starting at 30 means an extreme yet positive change of perspective and lifestyle. It forks at the end indicating name and fame in two countries.

Tariq Jamil’s Money Line and Sun Line

Meaning and Misconceptions about the Money Line explained in the Urdu language.

His Money Line (blue) is perhaps the weakest line on the palm again debunking the myth that without a strong Money/Fate/Destiny Line a person cannot rise up in life. But the start of his Money Line (blue) from Life Line (yellow) means struggle in career from 18 till late 20s which also coincides with the other timings of his lines.

He is completely self-made as 1. Fate Line emerges from Life line and 2. Sun Line (white) emerges from second Head Line (black) indicating wealth and renown through own efforts, discoveries and writings. This is why Sun Line from Head Line is commonly found in the hands of prominent professors, scientists and writers.

Tariq Jamil’s Intuition Line and Heart Line

Intuition Line is extremely rare and owing to the advancement of science across the world the newer generation of human beings are inclined to be less spiritual. Along with the philosophical hand shape of Tariq Jamil he also has a prominent Intuition Line (green) which not only makes him more spiritual but he can, and most probably already does, use this power in his business endeavours as well; predicting the latest trends in the markets, easily discerning friend from foe or shrewdly detecting the hidden intentions of investors, etc.

The first woman to win the Nobel Prize, Polish-French scientist Marie Curie, similarly had a strong Intuition Line on her dominant hand. Thus, it means that people from all walks of life can have the Intuition Line.

Tariq Jamil’s Heart Line (pink) shows extreme practicality and discipline. However, it starts on the Mount of Saturn and this indicates a materialistic person who cannot stand an ascetic lifestyle. Coldness is added to this indication due to the distance between the fingers and the Heart Line, and the fixed and blunt-shaped thumb adds a tinge of baseness to his personality.

True Believer or Deceiver?

Tariq Jamil, like every other human being on earth, has negative qualities but these are negated by the abundance of his positive qualities. The plus points which overshadow his dark side include the slightly sloping second Head Line (black), his mostly down-to-earth approach to life (strong second Life Line which keeps him grounded in reality), beautiful Mount of Venus (near his thumb) which shows an equal amount of warmth towards all races and religions, and the overall spiritual shape of his hand.

He has also proven that he is a saint and not a hypocrite by his taking responsibility for his ludicrous viewpoint on what caused the Covid criss in Pakistan. There are so many maulvis, businesspeople, politicians and other upper-class people who would have dismissed Shireen Mazari, especially due to Pakistan incorporating a patriarchic society, but Tariq Jamil proves he is truly a man of God.

Palm Reading Video of Tariq Jamil in Urdu.
Nisar Sufi
Nisar Sufi
Content Writer, Indie Horror Author, Book Reviewer, Film Critic and Fortune Teller @knowthyfuture
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